what we do:
web graphics
Scout Creative is a Perth, Western Australia-based graphic design business, specialising in creative solutions to design, branding and communication conundrums, logos, presentations, advertising, marketing, brochures and magazines, packaging, displays, web and corporate image makeovers.
With attention to detail, budgets and deadlines, Scout Creative is a team that values business outcomes ahead of artistic temperament.
Scout Creative proves that design is an investment, not an expense, and that design has the power to generate a substantial return on your investment.
Who: Fremantle Dockers Football Club
What: Year Book 2012 and Docker 2012 membership magazines
How: The official membership magazine of the Fremantle Dockers Football Club, issued three times a year at the start, middle and end of the AFL season and mailed direct to club members. Also the Year Book which takes a similar form to an annual report, noting the facts and figures from the season just gone.
Who: HWE Maintenance Services
What: Vehicle wrap
How: Wrap of a Ford Falcon ute with the brief to make it look as eye catching as possible. The client required that the vehicle act as a mobile billboard for its training services.
Who: Western Australian Railways Institute (WARI)
What: Corporate identity
How: New logo and revised branding system for the staff recreation organisation of employees within the WA railways industry.
Who: Phoenix Environmental Sciences
What: Service brochure
How: A brochure promoting the specialised consulting services of this team of highly experienced environmental professionals.
Who: Bob Liddelow
What: A Guide to Native Orchids of South Western Australia Second Edition
How: A lavishly illustrated guide to some of the wild flowers of Western Australia, complete with ‘mud maps’ of locations in which to find them and how to identify the many different species and varieties.
Who: Rey Resources
What: Annual Reports 2011-2015
How: The annual report for an Australian Stock Exchange listed resource exploration and development company.
Who: Carlton & United Breweries
What: Carlton Midstrength commemorative label
How: A special label to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the West Coast Eagles inaugural Grand Final victory on bottles of Carlton Midstrength.
Who: City of Stirling (WA)
What: Services brochures
How: Assorted flyers, brochures and pamphlets publicising the facilities and services on offer from the City.
Who: Beatty Park Leisure Centre
What: PoolWatch logo
How: Logo developed to brand a safety campaign run at the leisure centre to highlight the need for bathers to be vigilant, to look out for their companions, and be aware of accident and emergency procedures.
Who: Metso
What: Inside Australia and brochures
How: The Australia-Pacific staff magazine and miscellaneous brochures giving news and information on the products and activities of this global supplier of mining technology and services.
Who: Peninsula Tea Gardens
What: Brochure and business cards
How: After a major refurbishment, a new brand-style was developed, and opening brochure created, for this well regarded tea rooms situated in the grounds of the historic Tranby House.
Who: Samson Express Offshore
What: Presentation folder and expo display stand
How: A presentation folder and fact sheets to promote the vessels and services on offer from the client plus an expo display stand demonstrating wall displays, pull up banners and various marketing collateral.
Who: Bugs Life Pest Solutions
What: Corporate identity and stationery
How: An identity and business card for a start-up pest control company.
Who: Regents Garden
What: Aged care facility brochure
How: A brochure targeting existing residents of other facilities under the Regents Garden brand and potential new clients and publicising the (then) new Regents Garden facility being built in Joondalup, Western Australia. Purposely intended to look as unlike an ‘old peoples home’ brochure as possible.
Who: Western Australian Railways Institute (WARI)
What: OnTrack magazine, membership folder, signage, display banner
How: Various items designed as part of the revised branding system for the client, including the quarterly member magazine.
Who: Therapy Focus
What: Annual reports 2004-2006, 2009-2014
How: The annual report of a charity that focuses on children with disabilities, and their parents and carers.
Who: aaNet.com.au
What: Corporate identity
How: A logo for an Australia-wide internet service provider.
Who: Dr Mary Bremner
What: Nature & Nurture – Our Paediatric Heritage
How: A book written to document and celebrate the history of Princess Margaret Hospital for Children in Perth, as seen through the eyes of one of its longest serving medical staff, and intended to raise funds for the hospital through its sale.
Who: Fremantle Dockers Football Club
What: Year Books 2002 to 2012 and Turning it around
How: Further examples of the club’s Year Book and Turning it around, a souvenir book produced to commemorate the team’s inaugural finals appearance in 2003.
Who: Carlton United Brewers
What: VB Racing Promotional poster and postcard
How: Following a very successful poster/postcard project the previous year, a similar scenario was undertaken in 2003 to promote the sponsorship of the meeting in Perth with promotional ‘grid girls’ attending hotels ahead of the race day, handing out the collateral to raise awareness for the event.
Who: City of Stirling (WA)
What: Annual Report 2004
How: The 2004 annual report and strategic plan for Western Australia’s largest metropolitan local government authority.
Who: Beatty Park Leisure Centre
What: PoolWatch campaign
How: Posters and leaflets designed to publicise the PoolWatch campaign.
Who: Rey Resources
What: Fact Sheets
How: A series of fact sheets outlining various aspects of the resource projects that the client is working on, aimed at stakeholders and the community in the region in which the client operates.
Who: Compass Financial Group
What: Corporate identity
How: A logo for Compass Business Consultants (subsequently Compass Financial Group), a company that offered accountancy and financial planning.
Who: Metso
What: Mill Linings Brochure
How: A brochure promoting the mill lining products and services that Metso offers to its customers.
Who: Mediterranean Woodfired Ovens
What: Stationery
How: Stationery range incorporating product shots.
Who: Cercon Building
What: Corporate identity
How: Logo and branding system for a commercial builder.
Who: Peninsula Tea Gardens
What: Menu
How: With the shift ‘more upmarket’ this is the redesigned menu to better reflect the level of service and offerings available from the tea rooms.
Who: Bugs Life Pest Solutions
What: Marketing flyer
How: A marketing flyer, in the shape of a door hanger, distributed door-to-door in the client's target suburbs. Intended not only to promote the client's services and contact details, but also to have novelty value as a keepsake, such that the recipient is more likely to retain it for longer.
Who: Just Chicken
What: Corporate identity
How: A logo for a butcher specialising in healthy and free range chicken products. Also some counter-top flyers.
Who: The Sunday Times (WA)
What: Country Pubs WA brochure for Tourism WA
How: A colour newspaper pull-out celebrating some of the more interesting pubs and hotels to be found beyond the Perth metropolitan area. Designed to blend with an ongoing advertising campaign created for Tourism WA by Marketforce.
Who: Compass Financial Group
What: Stationery
How: Stationery set for Compass Business Consultants.
Who: Mediterranean Woodfired Ovens
What: Corporate identity
How: A logo for a company that manufactures and sells wood fired ovens to restaurants and consumers.
Who: Fremantle Dockers Football Club
What: 2011 Purple Haze Collateral
How: Posters and flyers promoting the 2011 Starlight Purple Haze game, encouraging recipients to hold a 'dress purple' party to raise money for the children's charity.
Who: Carlton & United Breweries
What: What's Brewing magazine
How: A direct mail magazine aimed a hotels, bottle shops, restaurants and other vendors of CUB’s beverages. The magazine was a mix of sales, news, product information and stories that were likely to be of interest to the target markets. Three versions were produced – localised for WA, NSW and Tasmania.
Who: City of Stirling (WA)
What: Community Services Directory
How: A booklet outlining the broad range of services on offer within the City, with contact details and information on access and availability. Distributed to every household in the council area.
Who: Compass Financial Group
What: Newsletters
How: TaxWise – a newsletter aimed at individuals and businesses and designed to keep them up-to-date with changes in legislation and accounting practices.
Who: Cercon Building
What: Stationery set
How: Stationery as part of the updated branding system for this commercial builder.
Who: Carlton & United Breweries
What: Miscellaneous event collateral
How: Assorted promotional items distributed at clubs and events to promote CUB brands.
Who: Treasury Wine Estates
What: Wine menu
How: A wine menu, distributed in corporate boxes at AFL games at Subiaco Oval, Perth, advertising the range of beverages available to spectators.
Our slogan is: Forward Thinking // Exceeding Expectations.
Our aim is to offer creative answers to design and image conundrums. Logos, presentations, marketing glossies and brochures, web design and corporate image makeovers delivered with attention to detail, budgets and deadlines. We are a team that values business outcomes ahead of artistic temperament.
So what can we do for you? It’s all about your image, your brand, your product, your idea. We’re here to help you push whatever it is you’ve got, build on it, fix it if it’s broke, make it work harder for you, and ultimately put more dollars in your bank account.
It’s a lot of work running a business. You know that, and boy, do we know that. And we can’t all be experts in every field, or know all the angles. The image you portray as a company is part and parcel of the service you give. It’s human nature to judge a book by its cover, even though we can be mistaken when we jump to conclusions.
So why take the risk of giving the wrong impression by giving the wrong impression?
Would you like to:
have a project that exceeds forecast sales targets?
generate greater consumer loyalty?
change customer perceptions?
build market share?
improve profitability?
blow the socks off the competition?
It's our job to prove that design is an investment and not an expense, that design has the power to generate substantial returns on investment.
At Scout our primary product is ideas.
Like all service organisations our charges are based on the time we invest in a project. Project costs vary depending on our clients’ needs and budgets. We always provide a detailed proposal and estimate for approval before starting. We adhere to our estimates unless project specifications change.
Our projects generally progress in three distinct parts:
Investigational time
This is the time we spend gathering information, conducting background research, looking at any competitors offerings and ensuring we have all the materials we will need to progress to the next stage.
Conceptual time
Now we spend time on creative thinking, searching for solutions and design ideas.
Executional time
Finally, we work out the exact details of the project, the ‘nitty-gritty’, and prepare artwork and whatever else is required to produce the project deliverables.
Despite popular misconceptions, good creative work doesn’t often come in a flash of inspiration; usually it comes from lots of trial and error. We usually consider several approaches (concepts), work them through, and try them out. Then we revise them.
Our rough concepts can consist of hand-drawn sketches, or more finished computerised drawings presented as printouts or as PDF files. For magazines and brochures, we will generally submit designs of individual pages or spreads. They are adequate to convey what we believe is the best approach to take, taking into consideration the client’s budget, schedule, objectives, and preferences. On the other hand, they are not so well-developed as to have wasted time and effort if we need a course correction. After presentation, we ask for comments. The more objective and specific the client can be, the better we will be able to respond. Comments are our input for revising the rough concepts into a more finished one, which we present at the next stage. From the input at this second presentation meeting, further minor refinements are made as necessary. We also finalise the production timetable, and the scheduling of any additional services (such as photography or illustration).
Once the work is complete and to your satisfaction we send the project to production and shortly thereafter you will take delivery.
Download our portfolio or some of our fact sheets as PDF files.
Here's just some of the businesses and organisations that we've worked with over the years. We even created some of these logos.
Or you can phone us on +61 (0)8 9371 8257.
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